To reply to a message, open your Inbox from within your Blackboard Course Messages.

Click on the subject of the message to which you wish to reply.

Hover over the word Reply. Choose Reply to Sender or Reply All (just like in an email).

To open the recipient fields, click either To, Cc (Carbon copy), Bcc (Blind carbon copy), or all of them. Select the name of the recipient/s in your course based on how you wish to send them the message. Click the > button to add the recipient/s to your message. You can choose any number from one person to the whole roster.
Then type your Subject line and Body message.

Be sure to click Submit when you are finished.
Note: Recipients will be notified of their messages when opening Blackboard. They may also receive an automated notification depending on their Blackboard settings.
To reply to a message, click on the person’s name, and a dialog box will show on the right side of the page. From there, type in your reply and click send. Note: this will only work if the original message allowed for replies.