All current Detroit Mercy students, faculty, staff, and administrators have access to Blackboard.
Student accounts are created after the...
Although a role for "guest" users appears in various places in Blackboard, Detroit Mercy does not provide guest access to Blackboard...
Instructor: full access to the course site; can participate in the course as a student via Student Preview
If you cannot find an account to add to your course, it means one of three things:
Use your Detroit Mercy Office 365 username and password to log in to Blackboard. You also use this information to log into to...
After logging into Blackboard:
1. Click your name in the red menu on the left. Your Blackboard profile will appear.
2. Click...
After logging into Blackboard
1. Click your name in the red menu on the left
2. Mouse over the blank profile image...
With the Microsoft Authenticator as your authentication verification, instead of getting a security verification code you need to retype,...
Regular Blackboard course sites have their student and instructor accounts enrolled automatically, through Blackboard's Banner integration....
Although the link between Blackboard and Banner means students and faculty are automatically loaded into your traditional courses based on their...
A searchable list of all students enrolled in the course site can be found by clicking USERS under USERS AND GROUPS in the Control Panel section...
2. Mouse over the blank profile image at the top-center of the page, then...