Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Download Grade Center as a Spreadsheet - Detroit Mercy CETL

Download Grade Center as a Spreadsheet

When working with grades in Blackboard, you may want to either make a backup of the Gradebook at a specific moment, or do your actual grading offline (in Excel, for example), then upload the grades into the Gradebook for students to view.

To download grades, point to WORK OFFLINE in the upper right corner of the Grade Center. 


Work offline menu, download option highlighted

If you want the FULL grade center, then the default options are likely fine.

If you would like to do all your grading in Excel, then upload those grades to Blackboard's Grade Center for student view, you can choose the User Information Only option. This will give you the set of rows (one for each student) that you can use to grade offline and uploading later.

If students drop the class after you download this "framework" spreadsheet, you will still be able to upload grades from this spreadsheet. Blackboard matches grade center rows to spreadsheet rows based on the USERNAME field. Just be sure not to delete or re-label the username column when editing the spreadsheet.

You may also choose to download only a specific column (and the grade comments you entered).

default data options

Either Delimiter Type will work for Excel (so again, defaults are fine). However, if you'd rather use a spreadsheet program other than Excel, the comma delimiter is more universal.

Options defaults

Finally, you are prompted to choose a SAVE LOCATION. We recommend My Computer, as this will allow you to store your file locally.

Save location options

Click SUBMIT to generate the file.

You'll be taken to a new page with a DOWNLOAD button. Click that button to begin the file download.

Download button

When working with grades in Blackboard, you may want to either make a backup of the Gradebook at a specific moment, or do your actual grading offline (in Excel, for example), then upload the grades into the Gradebook for students to view.

The Download Grades button is in the top right of the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook.

download grades button

This will open a right-hand Download Grades pane.

Under Download Options choose Full Gradebook or a Select Grade Items.

If you choose SELECT GRADE ITEMS, a checklist of all the items in your gradebook will appear. Check the columns (items) you wish to include in your download.

Grade options with Select Grade Items selected and checklist displayed

Choose a File Type.

The default (Tab-separated File (.xls)) is preferable if you want to view and edit the file in Excel.

Choose second option (Comma Separated Values (.csv)) if you plan to view and / or edit the download in another spreadsheet program, as CSV is more universal.

Note: CSV can be opened in Excel as well.

file type options

Finally, you are prompted to choose a SAVE LOCATION.

We recommend My Computer, as this will allow you to store your file locally.

Save location.

Click DOWNLOAD to generate and download the file locally.