Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Find Courses by Term - Detroit Mercy CETL

Find Courses by Term

You can use the filter bar at the top of the courses page to select and view courses from a particular term. Just click the TERMS box to open a list of all the Term groups you have courses in (Term groups also include University Sites, Course Masters, Course Development and Testing, and College, School, Department, & Program sites).

search and filter bar at top of courses page, TERMS pulldown list circled.

If you are looking for a course, particularly a course from a previous term (or for a future term), it will likely not appear in the CURRENT COURSES list. Switch to the term in which the course was (or will be) offered and try searching there.