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Test Feedback Options - Detroit Mercy CETL

Test Feedback Options

Test feedback options let you decide when students see feedback on their test and how much they see at any given point.

Regardless of the feedback options you select, if you're using only self-scoring question types, STUDENTS ALWAYS SEE THEIR TOTAL SCORE WHEN THEY SUBMIT THEIR TEST.

There are two ways to prevent this, which we have outlined on our Students Always See Their Test Score page.

The Show Test Results and Feedback to Students section of the Test Options lets you set a maximum of two display windows for exams.


The WHEN column lets you choose when feedback will be released to students. You can set two windows for feedback release, for example providing a One-time View upon submission (first line), then opening the feedback up to students After Attempts are graded by choosing that option on the second line.

Test feedback WHEN options, outlined in detail below

After Submission: This option is the default. Feedback is released to students from the moment they submit their assessment. If none of the following boxes are checked, students will only see their total score for the assessment. If you select "Choose" on the first row, it will default to "After Submission".

One-time View: After students submit their assessment, the selected results and feedback options are in effect for students to view ONCE. However, students can always view the scores they earned unless you hide the Grade Center column from students. Immediately after a student navigates away from the test or survey, any other results and feedback are restricted. You can change the setting or add another rule for a second viewing. A second rule cannot combined with the one-time view rule but is applied separately.

On Specific Date: View results and feedback after the selected date and time.

After Due Date: Feedback is available to students any time after the due date (which must be set on the test options page)

After Availability End Date: Feedback is available to students any time after the assessment is no longer available (which must be set on the test options page)

After Attempts are graded: After all students submit the assessment, and all attempts are graded (should questions require manual grading), results and feedback are released to students. If one or more students don't submit an attempt, you must assign those students a grade of 0 on the assessment to release feedback to the class. 

If you set two feedback windows, the settings on the later window will override the settings on the earlier one. This means if set a test so ALL feedback is available after submission, but NO feedback is available on a specific date, then students will see all feedback until that specific date. 

Score Per Question

If you check the Score Per Question box, students will see which questions they got right, which questions they got wrong, and which questions they received partial credit for. Remember, students always see their aggregate score (9/10 points possible). Score per question lets would let a student know they got question 2 wrong and all the rest right.

sample score per question display


The answers checkboxes function as advertised ...

answers checkboxes

All Answers displays all of a question's available answer options

all answers display

Correct displays the correct answer with a green check. When just this option is selected, there is no indication of whether the student answered the question correctly or not. 

correct answer option sample

Submitted shows the student's selected answer and indicates whether it was correct or incorrect.

selected answer option


If you entered feedback on the test, students will not see this feedback unless you check this box.

Show Incorrect Questions

When checked, students will see which questions they responded to correctly and incorrectly, but no further information will be displayed (unless selected).

show incorrect questions feedback

Combining Feedback Options

Selecting multiple feedback options adds those feedback options to the display. For example, if checking "Correct" and "Submitted", students will see both those options together.

selected answer and correct answer feedback

Changing Feedback Options

If you edit these feedback options after the assessment, feedback will be released (or restricted) based on the new options. This means if you prefer, you can manually edit the "After Submission" feedback to include display of the students' submitted answers at some point after the exam submission, rather than using the second "When" row to set an additional feedback window.

Test feedback options let you decide when students see feedback on their test and how much they see at any given point.

If you do not want your students to see their score upon submission, UNCHECK the "Post Assessment Automatically" box on the main test settings panel.

This will prevent students from seeing their scores until you post their grade.

The Assessment Results section of the Test Settings panel lets adjust what feedback is available and when it becomes available. Clicking the link under any of the Assessment results subheadings will open the Assessment results timing sub-menu.

animation showing Assessment results item click, assessment results timing panel open

When Feedback is Released

When any of the feedback options are selected, you will be prompted to choose when that aspect of feedback becomes available. This means you may, for example, choose to allow students to view their submission immediately but not see the correct answers until after all grades have been posted.

When options for showing students their submissions

After submission: This option is the default. The student may view their submission from the moment they submit their assessment. If none of the following boxes are checked, students will only see their total score for the assessment. 

After individual grade is posted: When the student's grade has been posted, their submission is released for viewing.

After due date: A student may view their submission any time after the due date (which must be established on the settings panel)

After all grades are posted: Feedback is available to students once all grades have been posted. If one or more students don't submit an attempt, you must assign those students a grade of 0 on the assessment and post those grades before students can view their submissions.

On a specific date: Choose a date and time after which the submission may be viewed.

Allow Students to View Their Submission

This lets students see their submitted test, in addition to their grade. When unchecked, students cannot view their submission (until this option is changed). Clicking on their score from the Gradebook will give them a "Submission Hidden" message.

When checked, students will see the full assessment including (where applicable) each question, all the answer options, and their answer selections. You cannot provide any further feedback if "Allow students to view" is not selected. 

show submission example

When "Allow students to view" is selected, it defaults to display "After submission". By default, when this option is selected, "Show automated feedback" (After submission) and "Show question scores" (After all grades are posted) are also enabled.

Show Automated Feedback

Show automated feedback lets students see any question or answer option feedback. Although this does not explicitly indicate whether a student got the answer right or wrong, your feedback may make that apparent.

automated feedback displayed along with question

When you enable automated feedback, you will be prompted to choose when feedback is released to students. See the release options under "Allow students to view" for more information on how these timings work. 

Show Question Scores

When selected, "Show question scores" will show the student whether they got a question right or wrong, and how many points they earned for each question. On its own, this selection does not reveal correct answer choices.

score per question feedback example

Show Correct Answers

When selected, this option includes a correct response marker alongside the question scores feedback.

incorrectly answered question with full feedback displayed

When this option is checked, "Question scores" (After all grades are posted) feedback is automatically enabled as well, if it hasn't been already. If you would like to make this feedback available BEFORE all grades have been posted, you will need to uncheck "Show correct answers", change when Question scores are displayed, then re-check "correct answers."

Changing Feedback Options

If you edit these feedback options after the assessment, feedback will be released (or restricted) based on the new options. Note that when changing feedback options you will need to click SAVE on the "Assessment results timing" sub-menu (where you select the feedback options), then click save again on the settings panel to fully save your change.