This option allows you to add a direct web link in your Blackboard course site. By clicking it, this link will take users directly to the new website (will default to a new window). See this other article if you are looking to add a web link inside a text box.
To get started, go to to the Content Area in your course where you’d like to add the content, then point to Build Content and choose Web Link under the Create heading.

Enter a name for the link you’re adding. It’s best to make this something clear and concise (which is not necessarily the same as simply using the website name). You want students to understand what and why they are clicking this link.

For URL enter the FULL web address. The easiest way to do this is to copy the link from your internet browser address bar and then paste it into the URL box. This ensures the full link is correct. In your browser window, go to the website you want. Use your mouse to click the address bar and then highlight the entire address. Right click to copy.

Return to Blackboard and right click inside the URL box. Choose paste.

In general, you can ignore the check box for Tool Providers.
If you have anything you want to add, enter your text in the large text box.
Be sure to Submit to save your changes.
This option allows you to add a direct web link in your Blackboard course site. By clicking it, this link will take users directly to the new website (will default to a new window). See this other article if you are looking to add a web link (or multiple) inside a text box.
To add a link, click the Add button. Choose Create.

Then choose Link.

Put the link text in the title space at the top of the add panel. Choose whether you want the link to be immediately available or hidden from students (the drop-down menu).

For the Link URL space enter the FULL web address. The easiest way to do this is to copy the link from your internet browser address bar and then paste it into the URL box. This ensures the full link is correct.
In your browser window, go to the website you want. Use your mouse to click the address bar and then highlight the entire address. Right click to copy.

Return to Blackboard and right click inside the URL box. Choose paste.

Provide a brief description (what are you linking to, why are you linking to it / how should the students be using it) in the description space.
Then click Save to save your link.