Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Engage Live Polling Tool - Detroit Mercy CETL

Engage Live Polling Tool


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Sorted by views in the last 100 days


Sorted by views in the last 100 days
Create an Attendance Activity

Engage Attendance activities consist of a single question with a single response. Attendance activities can also be "geofenced." This...

Create an Engage Poll

From the Engage Create and Manage Polls home page, click the CREATE POLL button in the upper right to get to the Question Dashboard.


Get the Engage PowerPoint Add-In for PC

Engage has an Add-In available for the PC version of PowerPoint. Once installed, this will add YuJa Engage to your PowerPoint tabs, alongside...

Find Engage - Create and Manage Polls Tool

From Outside Blackboard

Type the following into your web browser's address bar:



Add an Engage Activity to a Course

A powerful feature of Engage is its ability to sync poll and attendance grades to your Blackboard course Gradebook. 

Note: You cannot...

Release an Engage Activity

You can release an Engage poll (or quiz, if scored) from the Release Activity page. You can either release the activity all at once, letting...

Edit an Engage Poll

On the Engage Create and Manage Polls home page, locate ACTIVITIES in the menu on the left.

Locate the activity you wish to edit on...

Download the Engage App

Note: You cannot use the mobile app to access Engage activities that have been linked to Blackboard.


Please access the...

Create Preset Geofence Locations

You can add and save personalized geofence locations to Engage from the settings panel.

From the Engage home page (Create and Manage...

Copy an Engage Poll

On the Engage Create and Manage Polls home page, locate ACTIVITIES in the menu on the left.

Locate the activity you wish to copy on the...

Find the Release Engage Activity Page

From the Engage web home page

Go to the Create and Manage Polls tool and click the RELEASE button right of the poll in question in the...

Find the Engage Activities List

From the Engage Create and Manage Polls home page, click ACTIVITIES in the menu on the left.

If you do not see this menu,...

Give Participants Access to an Engage Activity

On the right side of the Engage Release Activity page, you'll find a box labelled How to Join the Activity....