Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Blackboard Orientation - Detroit Mercy CETL

Blackboard Orientation

This brief series of introductory videos walks students through the basics of logging into and using Blackboard.   

Blackboard - Logging in and Navigation

Blackboard is the heart of your online education experience at Detroit Mercy. In the following video, we walk through the basics of Blackboard outside your course site. We look at logging in, navigating, and setting some of the preferences that let you customize how you appear on the site.


Who Has Access to Blackboard

All current Detroit Mercy students, faculty, staff, and administrators have access to Blackboard.

Student accounts are created after the student registers for a course in self-service, at the next 2-hour Blackboard update window.

Student Blackboard accounts are deactivated after one term of not being registered. This means a student who took classes in the Winter Term will continue to have Blackboard access through the summer, even if they have not registered for Fall. But if they still have not registered by the start of the Fall term, their account will be deactivated. 

Students who need their Blackboard account reactivated (so that they may complete coursework, for example) should have their faculty contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning to make the request. 

Introduction to Classic Course Sites

Blackboard course sites come in two styles -- Classic and Ultra. Many of your courses will be presented in the classic style. This video introduces the basics of navigating a classic style course, including how to submit an assignment and find graded assignments and feedback -


Introduction to Ultra Course Sites

Ultra-style course sites function a little differently than classic style course sites. This video introduces the ultra-style course site. This shows how to get around an ultra-style course site. We also cover how to submit an assignment and find and view feedback.


Download & Install LockDown Browser

Respondus LockDown Browser provides a more secure environment for online testing. LockDown Browser itself is a separate web browser (like Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome) specifically geared toward taking online tests. While LockDown Browser is running, you won't be able to do anything on your computer other than take your test.

Some faculty may require you use Montor alongside LockDown Browser. Monitor is a feature of LockDown Browser that incorporates your webcam and microphone into the remote proctoring process. Because it is a part of LockDown Browser, no additional software installation is required to use Monitor with LockDown Browser.


LockDown Browser is available on Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and iOS iPad app (NOT available on iPhone).

Before taking a test, students must download and install the Detroit Mercy LockDown browser from the following URL:


This version of LockDown Browser is unique to the University of Detroit Mercy (when launched it only opens our Blackboard login page). Download and installation instructions can be found on that page.

Students can only use this version of LockDown browser for testing at Detroit Mercy.
If you are using an iPad, you will download the LockDown Browser app from the App Store.