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Channels in YuJa - Detroit Mercy CETL

Channels in YuJa

Think of YuJa's media channels function as course-based playlists.

When an instructor accesses YuJa through Blackboard -- by clicking into the Media Library through a course Tools section, embedding a video in their course, or by any other means -- YuJa automatically creates a Media Channel for that course.

When a student watches a video embedded in a course (or accesses their YuJa media library through the link in the course Tools section), they are added to the course media channel as a viewer.

Channels are strictly course-based. Unlike playlists on Microsoft Stream (or YouTube), instructors cannot create multiple topical media channels within a single course. Each course gets only one channel.

The channel title is the Blackboard course ID, followed by the month and year the channel was created, followed by the course title.

In addition to embedding video into a course, instructors can add media to the course media channel, creating a course-based playlist for their media.

YuJa's desktop software capture also allows an instructor to live-stream their recording to one or more media channels.