Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Work with Weighted Grades (Ultra) - Detroit Mercy CETL

Work with Weighted Grades (Ultra)

Overall Grade replaces the Weighted Total column from Blackboard Classic's Grade Center, allowing you to set up weighted grading based on Categories or Items. Categories must first be created and then weights assigned.

Add a Grade Center Category

Categories are used to group items together in the Gradebook and Overall Grade column. Assignment, Test, Discussion, Journal, Attendance, Exam, Homework, Presentation, and Quiz are the default Categories included in all Blackboard Ultra courses, but you can also create additional categories.

From your Blackboard Ultra course site's Gradebook page, click the Settings (gear) button.

Gradebook settings button in context, highlighted

On the Settings panel, scroll down to Grade Categories, then click the Add New Category button.

New Grade Category button in context

Type the name for your new category. Click the ENTER button on your keyboard to save your change.

Type Category Name box with sample text entered

Gradebook Grid View (Ultra)

The ultra-style Gradebook page defaults to a list of assignments rather than students. 

To switch to a more spreadsheet-like view, with rows of students and columns of assessments, click the Grid button in the upper left corner of the Gradebook page. 

Gradebook view switch buttons in context

Click the List button to return to the default view.

Set Up an Overall Grade

This page describes the Overall Grade function in Blackboard Ultra, used to provide a weighted grade total.

The first time you open the Gradebook for a course, using grid view, you will see a message asking you to set up the Overall Grade. Click the SET IT UP button to open the Overall Grade page.

   What the overall grade Set up button looks like

By default, the overall grade calculation is set to Points. You can change this to Weighted (second most common, and strongly advised) or Custom (generally unused by anyone but the most savvy Blackboard user). See our other article on creating a weighted total in Ultra.

Overall grade calculation options radial buttons and explanations

Examples of how grades would be calculated using either points or weights:

Overall grade calculation explanations expanded view

NOTE: you can also make this choice even after you initially set up the Overall Grade. To get to that page, click Overall Grade on the main Gradebook screen and then choose edit.

Alternate access to overall grade page

Create a Weighted Total

Overall Grade replaces the Weighted Total column from Blackboard Classic's Grade Center, allowing you to set up weighted grading based on Categories or Items.

From the Overall Grade page, choose Weighted if you didn't already.

Screencap of switching to weighted grades

Assign percentage values to grading categories (default or manually created) and items for an overall grade worth 100%. 

Unlike in Blackboard Classic, you cannot save the page if your percentages add up to more or less than 100%. This means you must create all the Items or Categories you need before setting up the Overall Grade.

To alter the percentages, you must first "unlock" the row by clicking the padlock. Screencap of padlock button to enable editing

Screencap of some default categories and percentages

To find individual items (assessments) to add into the weights, you must scroll to the bottom of the list, click the drop-down arrow next to Additional Items, and click the symbol to the right of the item name. You can then change the percentage. (Note: Most people will not use the Calculations row.)

Screencap of buttons to access additional items from content.


To remove an item or category from the calculation, you must click the cross-out symbol to the right. It will then zero-out the percentage and readjust all other percentages (which you can then change).