When copying from one classic-style course to another, begin in the course that you want to copy from (the course with the content to be copied).
Under the Packages and Utilities heading, choose Course Copy

Your only available copy type will be "Copy Course Materials into an Existing Course."
Under Select Copy Options, you will first need to provide the Destination Course ID. You can copy this from your courses list and paste it into the space provided, or you can click the BROWSE button to search for your target course.
You can only copy into a course in which you are an instructor. If you would like to copy content into another instructor's course, you will need to be added as an instructor in that course first.
Next, check the boxes for the parts of the course you wish to copy into your destination course. If you want a nearly complete copy, we generally recommends you click the SELECT ALL button, then uncheck "Announcements" (announcements being the one part of the course least likely to be useful in a different term).

Some Course Materials selections are dependent on others. For example, if you are copying a content area that contains a test, you will also want to copy GRADE CENTER COLUMNS AND SETTINGS (because tests and assignments are connected to the Grade Center) and TESTS, SURVEYS, AND POOLS (because that is the section that holds the test questions).
For most courses, the default selection in the File Attachments section -- "Copy links and copies of the content" -- is the best choice. This will copy everything that appears in the course's content folder, but not content that is only in the course's File Library.
This is generally the best choice because items you delete from a course content area are kept in the File Library. "Copy links and copies of content" will NOT copy those items into your new course, helping to keep your file library lean going forward.

However, if your course uses "package files" -- bundles of files that are uploaded directly into the course and accessed by a single link (SCORM bundles and html learning units are the most common forms of this), you will want to choose the third option "Copy links and copies of content (include the entire course home folder)". This will ensure that those full bundles of content are copied into your new course.
Finally, check the "Include Enrollments in the Copy" only if you want to also copy over all the students and instructors in the course. As the text that accompanies this option points out, this "does not copy user records in the course, such as grades. User records are only copied with Exact Copy."
If you need an exact copy, please contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning for assistance.

Once you have all the appropriate options selected, click SUBMIT at the bottom of the page. This will start the copy process. You will receive an email when the copy is complete.
When copying from one ultra-style course to another, begin in the course that you want to copy into (the target-course).
Click the "..." button right of the Course Content heading and choose Copy Items.

Next, you'll need to locate the course you want to copy from. You can use the search box at the top of the Copy Content panel to locate a particular course. If you have a lot of courses, using the CRN may speed up this search.
Remember, course IDs end with academic year -- so a class offered in Fall 2020-2021 will end with 2021 (even though the course was technically offered in 2020).

If you want to copy the FULL course, simply check the box next to the course name, then click START COPY at the bottom-right of the copy panel.
If you want to copy specific folders or items, click the right-pointing arrow to browse the course, then check the folders or items you wish to copy.
Once you have made your selections, START COPY at the bottom-right of the copy panel.
You will be emailed when your copy has completed.