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Take a Test With LockDown Browser - Detroit Mercy CETL

Take a Test With LockDown Browser

Respondus LockDown Browser provides a more secure environment for online testing. LockDown Browser itself is a separate web browser (like Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome) specifically geared toward taking online tests.

LockDown Browser may be used as part of a remote proctoring plan for online assessments, or as part of proctoring in a traditional classroom setting where students will be using lab or personal computers for testing


LockDown Browser is available on Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and iOS machines (though we do not recommend testing on an iPhone).

On campus, LockDown Browser is available in the testing center, as well as on University library and computer lab machines.

How it Works

In a classic-style course (it has a black menu bar on the left), when a student is ready to take an online test that uses LockDown Browser they actually launch the LockDown Browser from their desktop instead of launching their usual browser of choice. In an ultra-style course (all white page), LockDown Browser launches automatically when the student clicks the button to begin the assessment.

One launched, LockDown Browser then fills the student’s screen (including any additional displays). Students in a classic-style course will be prompted to log into Detroit Mercy's Blackboard site, where they will need to navigate to the appropriate course and assessment. Students in an ultra-style course will be taken to a "begin test" page.

While LockDown Browser is running, students are unable to use their computers for anything other than taking the test. They cannot surf other web sites, use chat services, screen capture / record, look at PDFs, PowerPoint decks, or Word files, etc.

Exceptions can be made for specific web sites (if, for example, students need to watch a video before responding to a series of questions).

Download & Install LockDown Browser

LockDown Browser is available on Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and iOS iPad app (NOT available on iPhone).

Before taking a test, students must download and install the Detroit Mercy LockDown browser from the following URL:


This version of LockDown Browser is unique to the University of Detroit Mercy (when launched it only opens our Blackboard login page). Download and installation instructions can be found on that page.

Students can only use this version of LockDown browser for testing at Detroit Mercy.
If you are using an iPad, you will download the LockDown Browser app from the App Store.

Respondus LockDown Browser provides a more secure environment for online testing. LockDown Browser itself is a separate web browser (like Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome) specifically geared toward taking online tests.

LockDown Browser may be used as part of a remote proctoring plan for online assessments, or as part of proctoring in a traditional classroom setting where students will be using lab or personal computers for testing


LockDown Browser is available on Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and iOS machines (though we do not recommend testing on an iPhone).

On campus, LockDown Browser is available in the testing center, as well as on University library and computer lab machines.

How it Works

In a classic-style course (it has a black menu bar on the left), when a student is ready to take an online test that uses LockDown Browser they actually launch the LockDown Browser from their desktop instead of launching their usual browser of choice. In an ultra-style course (all white page), LockDown Browser launches automatically when the student clicks the button to begin the assessment.

One launched, LockDown Browser then fills the student’s screen (including any additional displays). Students in a classic-style course will be prompted to log into Detroit Mercy's Blackboard site, where they will need to navigate to the appropriate course and assessment. Students in an ultra-style course will be taken to a "begin test" page.

While LockDown Browser is running, students are unable to use their computers for anything other than taking the test. They cannot surf other web sites, use chat services, screen capture / record, look at PDFs, PowerPoint decks, or Word files, etc.

Exceptions can be made for specific web sites (if, for example, students need to watch a video before responding to a series of questions).

Download & Install LockDown Browser

LockDown Browser is available on Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and iOS iPad app (NOT available on iPhone).

Before taking a test, students must download and install the Detroit Mercy LockDown browser from the following URL:


This version of LockDown Browser is unique to the University of Detroit Mercy (when launched it only opens our Blackboard login page). Download and installation instructions can be found on that page.

Students can only use this version of LockDown browser for testing at Detroit Mercy.
If you are using an iPad, you will download the LockDown Browser app from the App Store.