If you have attempted to update LockDown Browser and received an Update Failed message, you will need to uninstall LockDown Browser, then download and install the latest version.
Uninstall LockDown Browser From Mac
1. Locate and open Applications folder
- Go to Finder.
- Select Applications from the favorites list in the left sidebar menu list.

- If you do not see Applications on the left, go to your Finder Settings in the top menu tab. Navigate to Sidebar and check the box for Applications.

2. Drag any LockDown Browser apps to the trash. You can also right click on the app and Move to Trash.
Uninstall LockDown Browser From PC
1. Navigate to the uninstall window.
- Click the WINDOWS button,
- Type "Remove"
- Launch Add or Remove Programs
2. Locate Respondus LockDown Browser in the installed apps list, either by searching "LockDown" at the top, or by scrolling down the list.
3. Click the "..." button right of Respondus LockDown Browser. Choose UNINSTALL.
Download & Install LockDown Browser
LockDown Browser is available on Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and iOS iPad app (NOT available on iPhone).
Before taking a test, students must download and install the Detroit Mercy LockDown browser from the following URL:
This version of LockDown Browser is unique to the University of Detroit Mercy (when launched it only opens our Blackboard login page). Download and installation instructions can be found on that page.
Students can only use this version of LockDown browser for testing at Detroit Mercy.
If you are using an iPad, you will download the LockDown Browser app from the App Store.