Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Merged Course Sites - Detroit Mercy CETL

Merged Course Sites

Merging courses is a way to seamlessly put students from two or more courses into a single course site.

If you're teaching a single course that's split into multiple sections, or multiple courses that use the same content and activities, you may want to request a course merge. Students in a merged course will see only the course they registered for in their Courses list; when they click the course link they will be pushed to the parent course.

Contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning to have course sites merged (ask-CETL@udmercy.edu or use the email link in the footer of this page).

When requesting a merge please provide --

  1. The CRN or Blackboard Course ID for the parent course (the course you want to have the other student groups merged into) 
  2. The CRN(s) or Blackboard Course ID(s) for the child course(s) you want merged into the parent.
Parent course: 15460_MPD5050-OL_2023
Child course 1: 16765_AEV5060-OL_2023
Child course 2: 15864_EMGT5700-OL_2023

Factors to Consider

All students from your merged courses will appear together in a parent course site. This means:

  • Course grades page will consist of students from all merged courses (classic-style courses list a student's Child Course Id in the Grade Center) 
  • Course items & assessments will be available to all students at the same time 
  • Due dates on items will apply to ALL students, regardless of their registered section

To make content or assignments available only to specific sets of students at specific times, create and enroll the students in Blackboard groups. Then you can use Adaptive Release Rules in a classic-style course site or Release Conditions in an ultra-style site to make content available to the different groups at different times

If you are using a classic-style course site, you can use Smart Views in the Grade Center to limit the display to specific student groups. In an Ultra-style course site, you can filter the Gradebook by student group when in grid display mode.