Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Find the Attendance Tool - Detroit Mercy CETL

Find the Attendance Tool

Attendance can be found under the Course Tools heading in your course navigation bar.

Course Tools heading, attendance highlighted

If you have not used the attendance tool in your course before, you will need to click the ADD ATTENDANCE button on the attendance page to enable Blackboard's attendance tracking.

Add Attendance button

The attendance tool is located under Details & Actions.

attendance highlighted under details and actions

It can also be found by clicking Attendance in the Gradebook.

Attendance in Gradebook