Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Export Groups - Detroit Mercy CETL

Export Groups

Blackboard's group tool lets you export groups and/or group membership as a comma separated values (csv) file. While this file does not contain the work and activities of the group -- it does not include groups' discussion, for example -- this information can be useful for keeping an external record of who was a member of which group. 

More importantly, the "groups only" option provides you with Blackboard's unique group identifier code, which can be used along with Blackboard's Group Import tool to batch enroll course groups.

To export group information, navigate to your course's GROUPS page

Click EXPORT in the upper right corner.

Export button in upper right corner highlighted

Select the group information you would like to export. 

If you are planning to import group membership, select GROUPS ONLY.

export options

Click SUBMIT at the bottom of the page to begin the export process. You will receive an email when the export has finished.

When you receive that email, return to this page, then click EXPORT HISTORY in the upper right.

export history button

The history page will list all the files generated by your exports. When you click your export CSV, you will be prompted to download or open the file. Choose DOWNLOAD.

export list

Blackboard's group tool lets you export groups and/or group membership as a comma separated values (csv) file. While this file does not contain the work and activities of the group -- it does not include groups' discussion, for example -- this information can be useful for keeping an external record of who was a member of which group. 

More importantly, the "groups only" option provides you with Blackboard's unique group identifier code, which can be used along with Blackboard's Group Import tool to batch enroll course groups.

To export group information, navigate to your course's GROUPS page

Click the "..." button right of the group set you wish to export data for, then choose EXPORT.

Group options menu, export highlighted

On the export panel, which opens on the right, select the fields you wish to export. If you are planning on batch-enrolling groups, you'll want to choose "Group sets only"

Export panel

Click EXPORT FILE at the bottom of the page to start the export processing. You will receive an email when your export file has been generated.

To download the Export file, reopen the Export from Groups panel (as above, select the group set from the groups list, choose Export).

Click EXPORT at the top of the Export from Groups panel.

Export from Groups panel, export tab highlighted

Click the export file and you will be prompted to open or download the csv file. Choose Download to save the file to your computer