Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Find a Student's Assessment Submission Page - Detroit Mercy CETL

Find a Student's Assessment Submission Page

You can access a student's assessment submission page


From the Gradebook Gradable Items List

Go to the Gradebook tab at the top of the course

tabs at top of course, gradebook circled

Click the assessment name on the Gradable Items list

Sample gradable items list, an assessment circled

Then click on the name of a student who has an ATTEMPTED date under their name and SUBMITTED in the Student Status column.

Assessment student list with one student circled


From the Gradebook Students List

Go to the Gradebook tab at the top of the course

tabs at top of course, gradebook circled

Click STUDENTS, right of GRADABLE ITEMS at the top of the grades page, then click a Student name from the list.

Students list with some student names displayed

Then click an assessment in the student's item list.

Sample Student Item List


From the Gradebook Grid View

Go to the Gradebook tab at the top of the course

tabs at top of course, gradebook circled

Toggle from LIST VIEW (three line button) to GRID VIEW (table button) at the top of the Gradebook page.

Gradebook view toggle

Locate the assessment column and the student row, then click the appropriate table cell. Choose VIEW.


From the Course Content list

Click on the Assessment to view its Content and Settings page.

assignment in content list, circled

Then choose the SUBMISSIONS tab.

Then click on the name of a student who has an ATTEMPTED date under their name and SUBMITTED in the Student Status column.

student list with name circled that has a submission date and submitted in the submission status column