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Associate a Rubric with a Gradable Item - Detroit Mercy CETL

Associate a Rubric with a Gradable Item

Once you have created a rubric, you can associate it with as many gradable items as you wish. You can do this the first time you create the gradable item or you can add it later by editing the item.

Note: this article is for connecting a Rubric to an assignment, discussion forum, wiki, blog, or journal. See other articles for information on Rubrics and Test Questions or Rubrics and Grade Columns.

Within the assignment (creating it or editing it), under the Grading heading, there is a gray box which says Add Rubric. Hover over that box and choose Select Rubric.

drop down menu for rubric selection or creation
This will open a pop-out window showing all of your rubrics saved within the course.

You can preview the contents of each rubric before you select one.

Once you’ve chosen, check the box next to the rubric title. 

pop-out window with pre-created rubric selection and preview

Click Submit.

That rubric is now connected to your assignment, discussion forum, wiki, blog, or journal. 

Note: When a rubric is connected to a gradable item it is by default hidden from student visibility. We strongly suggest making your rubrics always visible to your students.

Additional options (see other articles about these items):
    •    Detach the rubric from this item (it will not delete it from the course as a whole).
    •    Preview the rubric again.
    •    Edit the rubric.
    •    Change the student visibility of the rubric. We suggest keeping the rubric visible to students at all times.

Rubric additional options

Be sure to click Submit to save your work.

Once you have created a rubric, you can associate it with as many gradable items as you wish. You can do this the first time you create the gradable item or you can add it later by editing the gradable item.

Note: in Blackboard Ultra, unlike Classic, you can only associate a rubric with an assignment, a test with no questions, or a discussion. The process for each gradable item is the same.

In the pop-out Settings window (Assignment Settings, Test Settings, or Discussion Settings)...

Assignment settings gear icon

...scroll almost all the way down to Additional Tools. Click Add grading rubric.

Add grading rubric button under additional tools

This will open an additional pop-out window showing all of your rubrics saved within the course.

Add grading rubric window

You can preview the contents of each rubric before you select one by clicking the blue View link.
Once you’ve chosen, click the blue Add link. 

View and add links/buttons for Grade with Rubric

Click Save on the Settings page.

Save button on settings page

That rubric is now connected to your assignment, a test with no questions, or a discussion.

Additional options (see other articles about these items):
    •    Detach the rubric from this item (it will not delete it from the course as a whole).
    •    Edit or duplicate the rubric.