Blackboard Ultra's Course Content section has two "Container" types - Learning Modules and Folders.
Although they appear...
Most online course sites will require some amount lecturing to help you get your students on the right page. Here are some tips to help you create...
University of Detroit Mercy is committed to ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to participate in the university's programs,...
Generally, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning recommends creating a main "Content" space (or using the one provided),...
The guidelines presented here should not be taken as legal advice. Detroit Mercy faculty must adhere to copyright law...
You can connect Blackboard to your cloud storage location/s, such as OneDrive or Google Drive. You add files from there to Blackboard much like...
You can reorder the content on any Blackboard Classic page (including announcements) by following these instructions.
Hover your mouse...
From inside a content area of your course, put your pointer over Build Content in the upper right. This will open the Build Content menu. Choose...
The ITEM tool lets you add a block of text, media (images, video, audio), and / or attached files to your course site.
If you find you are having difficulty moving an item into the exact spot you want, keyboard commands might help.
To get this working,...
This option allows you to add a direct web link in your Blackboard course site. By clicking it, this link will take users directly to the new...
To place content inside a folder, click the name of a folder you have created to open it. Then, use the content creation...
The FILE Tool lets you add file (Powerpoint file, PDF file, Word file, etc) as a stand-alone link to your course site. If you want to add a...