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Run an Engage Activity - Detroit Mercy CETL

Run an Engage Activity

Before the class where you will use Engage

1. Go to the Create and Manage Polls home page or if you're using the Engage plug-in for PowerPoint on PC, click the Create Poll or Create Attendance buttons under the Engage tab. Then follow the linked instructions to create your poll activity poll or create your attendance activity


2. If you want points associated with the activity to be included in Blackboard’s gradebook, you will need to add a link to the activity to your Blackboard course site. Students will need to click this Blackboard link on their laptop or mobile device to access your poll.


3. If you do not need the activity scores synced to Blackboard, you'll want to have the QR code and access codes for your activity and have them ready to provide to your students.

If you are using the PowerPoint, the Engage PowerPoint plug-in will include a slide containing the activity's QR and activity codes automatically when you insert the activity into your presentation.

If you are not using the plug-in:



In class

1. Make sure your students have ample time to access the Engage activity before you want them to start responding to questions. This can be done by having your students log into Blackboard (if you want the item scores synced) or by making the poll’s QR codes available onscreen or by writing the 6-digit activity code on the class whiteboard at the start of class, as students are settling into their seats. 

This will get your students to the activity, but they won't be able to see or answer any questions until you release the activity.


2. At the appropriate time in your class, release some or all of your activity. There are a few ways to do this:

  • If you used the PowerPoint plug-in to embed your activity into the presentation, each question will be released automatically as you reach those slides in the presentation. This is a question-at-a-time release, meaning students will only be able to respond to the question that is on the current slide. If you advance to a new slide then return to a question slide, the question will be re-released to students. Students will see the responses to the question, but the question will be pushed to their devices again for a new response. 
  • From a web browser: Get to the activity page by logging into https://udmercy.engage.yuja.com using your Detroit Mercy credentials or using these instructions to Find the Release Engage Activity Page.
  • From the mobile app Home page, click the RELEASE button to the right of the activity you wish to release.

    On the activity page (both on the web and mobile), you can click Release Poll or Open Attendance (depending on the activity you're launching) to begin the activity. If you wish to release a poll question-by-question (for example, if you have a 5-question poll, and you plan to discuss poll results and lecture between each question), click on the question you wish to release, then click the Release Question button.

    Our Release an Engage Activity page includes screenshots and more detail.
The first few times you run an activity, you may want to remind students that they must click SUBMIT for their response to be recorded.