Insert Media From Media Chooser

From the Media Chooser, locate the media you wish to embed in the textbox and click on it to select.

media chooser contents with thumbnails

If you have a lot of videos in your Media Library, you may want to use the search box to locate the a file. Switching from thumbnail view to list view may also help.

media search options

The filters button can also help you narrow the contents that appears in the Media Chooser. Click the filter button (left of the search box), select appropriate filters, then click FILTER to narrow the items displayed.

Media Chooser filters with filter button highlighted

Scroll the Media Chooser window down and click the Insert Content button.

Depending on the number of items in your Media Chooser and the size of your browser window, you may have two vertical scrollbars. To scroll the Media Chooser down (to get to the Insert Content button), use the rightmost vertical scrollbar.

image of right side of media chooser with two vertical scrollbars, rightmost bar is pointed to

When you click Insert Content, your media will added to your page. 

Participants who click on embedded images and files will be prompted to download the files.