Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Create an Engage Poll - Detroit Mercy CETL

Create an Engage Poll

From the Engage Create and Manage Polls home page, click the CREATE POLL button in the upper right to get to the Question Dashboard.

Top of Poll manager tool window, create poll button circled.


Enter a name for your poll in the Poll Title space at the top of the Question Dashboard.

Top of create poll window, poll name field circled


Question type defaults to Multiple Choice. If you wish to add a different type of question, choose from the available types in the pulldown list.

Top of create poll window, question type pulldown circled


Enter a point value for the question. If this is a "proper" poll question (with no correct answer), set the points to 0.

Top of create poll window, points field circled


The default timer for each question is 15 seconds. If you would like to allow students more time to respond to the question, change the timer.

Top of create poll window, timer field circled


Enter your question text and response options in the spaces provided. For scored questions, select the correct answer option. 

question text and answer option fields, no highlights

If you would like to include media in your question or responses, click the UPLOAD button where it appears.

excerpt from question space, with upload button circled near the top and after a response option

To add another question, click the ADD QUESTION button in the upper left.

Top of create poll window, new question button circled

If you have added poll questions to a question bank previously, you can use the IMPORT FROM BANK button to add one or more of those questions to your current poll. 

Top of create poll window, import from bank button circled

You can also IMPORT QUESTIONS from an appropriately formatted CSV file.

Bottom of create poll window, import questions button circled

If you would like to re-use one or more of these questions in a future poll, check the SAVE AS QUESTION BANK button in the lower left. You will be prompted to name your question bank.

Bottom of create poll window, save as question bank checkbox circled

Wait until have added all your questions to the poll before saving as a question bank. If you add a question and save it as a bank, then add another question and save it as a bank, you'll get two banks: one with one question and one with two questions, both with the same name.

Once you have added all your questions, click SAVE & CLOSE.

Bottom of create poll window, save and close button circled