To submit a video assignment, you'll first need the video, saved in a location you can access it from your computer. You'll be uploading this video file to your University Media Library (YuJa), then embedding it in your assignment submission. Videos submitted this way will be available to the instructor(s) in your course, but not your classmates. If you are submitting a group assignment, your groupmates will have access to view the video as well.
Once you have your video file, you'll want to locate the assignment in your course.
Assignment Information
An assignment looks roughly like this:

Note, the colors and text will often be different. What's key is that it's underlined (indicating you can click on it to open it) and the icon, which indicates ASSIGNMENT. Usually there will also be some key words in the heading or text to clue you into the fact that this is an assignment.
When you open an assignment by clicking on its name, you'll find more information about the assignment, often including a due date and points possible.
Usually, you'll also find detailed instructions here, and links to any supplemental files your professor wants you to use or refer to when completing your homework. If your professor is using the plagiarism teaching tool SafeAssign on your assignment, you'll also see a SafeAssign license agreement.

Find the Assignment Write Submission Box for Uploads
Do not upload your video into Blackboard the way you would upload a Word file. Instead, you'll upload the video to your media library. The tools for accessing your media library are found in the text-box toolbar. In an ultra style course, the text box appears at the bottom of the page; click into it to get the toolbar. In a classic-style course, you'll need to click on the Text Submission button.
If you need to embed a YuJa video into a homework assignment submission, you'll need to open the "CREATE SUBMISSION" section to access the text-box editor.

Find Media Chooser [YuJa] Textbox Link
Next, open the Media Library link in the assignment's text box.
Click the Add Content + button on any textbox toolbar in Blackboard.

If you do not see this button (the last item on the textbox toolbar), you may need to expand the toolbar by clicking the ellipsis MORE button.

Next, click the Add Video From Media Library [YuJa] option under Additional Tools.

Although the button text reads "Add Video," you can use this tool to add audio, images, or files as well as video.
Upload Media From Media Chooser
Next, you'll upload your video to the Media Library. If you've already uploaded the video, or if you've done your recording in YuJa, you can skip to the next step.
The Media Chooser is opened when the Add Video From Media Library [YuJa] tool is selected in a Blackboard course site. If you have not previously uploaded the video you wish to add to the course, select Upload Media in the upper center of the Media Chooser window.

You can then either drag and drop your file onto the blue-tinted box in the center of the window or click the Browse button to open your computer's file explorer. Once you have selected a file, the upload process will begin automatically.

Insert Media From Media Chooser
Finally, you'll select the video in the chooser to attach it to your assignment. Once you've done this, submit the assignment to turn in your work.
From the Media Chooser, locate the media you wish to embed in the textbox and click on it to select.

If you have a lot of videos in your Media Library, you may want to use the search box to locate the a file. Switching from thumbnail view to list view may also help.

The filters button can also help you narrow the contents that appears in the Media Chooser. Click the filter button (left of the search box), select appropriate filters, then click FILTER to narrow the items displayed.

Scroll the Media Chooser window down and click the Insert Content button.
When you click Insert Content, your media will be added to your page.
Participants who click on embedded images and files will be prompted to download the files.
To submit a video assignment, you'll first need the video, saved in a location you can access it from your computer. You'll be uploading this video file to your University Media Library (YuJa), then embedding it in your assignment submission. Videos submitted this way will be available to the instructor(s) in your course, but not your classmates. If you are submitting a group assignment, your groupmates will have access to view the video as well.
Once you have your video file, you'll want to locate the assignment in your course.
Assessment Details & Information
To view a Blackboard assessment's, Details & Information, click on the assessment in the Content list.

This will open the assessment's Details & Information panel on the right side of the screen. As the name suggests, this section provides details and information about the assessment. This information includes due date and time, including rules related to the due date and time (for example, whether you will be prevented from submitting or starting late), time limits, your remaining number of submission attempts, and Originality Report information, should the plagiarism checking tool SafeAssign be enabled.

If the Details & Information panel has a speech bubble icon in the upper right, then your instructor has enabled class conversation on the assessment. Click this to enter a discussion forum where you can post and view class questions and answers about the assessment.
Remember, your Class Conversation posts are not private communications between you and the instructor -- the whole class will be able to read your posts.

If the item is an assignment, it will have a VIEW ASSESSMENT button at the bottom of the panel. You are free to open and close an assignment as many times as you like without using an "attempt." Only when you submit an assignment do you use an attempt.
If the item is a test, it will have a START ATTEMPT button at the bottom of the panel. Clicking this button will begin your test -- the timer will start (if one has been set) and an attempt will be used.

If you used an attempt in error and need an additional attempt, please contact your instructor. CETL can only assist instructors with providing additional attempts, not students.
Find Media Chooser [YuJa] Textbox Link
Do not upload your video into Blackboard the way you would upload a Word file. Instead, you'll upload the video to your media library. You'll access the Media Library from the textbox toolbar. To view the toolbar, click into the textbox at the bottom of your assignment submit page.
Click the Add Content + button on any textbox toolbar in your ultra-style Blackboard course site. Choose Content Market.

Under Institution Tools, select Add Video From Media Library [YuJa].
![Add Video from media library [yuja] box](
Although the button text reads "Add Video," you can use this tool to add audio, images, or files as well as video.
Upload Media From Media Chooser
The Media Chooser is opened when the Add Video From Media Library [YuJa] tool is selected in a Blackboard course site. If you have not previously uploaded the video you wish to add to the course, select Upload Media in the upper center of the Media Chooser window.

You can then either drag and drop your file onto the blue-tinted box in the center of the window or click the Browse button to open your computer's file explorer. Once you have selected a file, the upload process will begin automatically.

Insert Media From Media Chooser
Finally, you'll select the video in the chooser to attach it to your assignment. Once you've done this, submit the assignment to turn in your work.
From the Media Chooser, locate the media you wish to embed in the textbox and click on it to select.

If you have a lot of videos in your Media Library, you may want to use the search box to locate the a file. Switching from thumbnail view to list view may also help.

The filters button can also help you narrow the contents that appears in the Media Chooser. Click the filter button (left of the search box), select appropriate filters, then click FILTER to narrow the items displayed.

Scroll the Media Chooser window down and click the Insert Content button.
When you click Insert Content, your media will be added to your page.
Participants who click on embedded images and files will be prompted to download the files.