Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
About Text Box Tools - Detroit Mercy CETL

About Text Box Tools


The text editor is the same for many (though not all) features in Blackboard Classic.

How it Works

Depending on your screen size, the text editor may appear more or less condensed, but the functions are the same.

If you do not see all of the functions, find and click the three dots button.More options button

Tool bar expansion action

Some feature highlights

Clear format buttonClear Format: highlight text and select this to eliminate any formatting in that highlighted text (color, size, font, etc).

Find and replace buttonFind and Replace: Searches for specified terms or phrases throughout the text in this text box. Allows for automated replacement of a specified term or phrase with another term or phrase.

Indent buttonIncrease Indent, Decrease Indent

Hyperlink buttonsAdd Hyperlink and Remove Hyperlink (aka Weblink): highlight text and select this to convert that text into a weblink. You can leave the URL just the way it is (e.g. www.google.com) or you can change the text to indicate the nature of the link (e.g. Google Search).

Add or edit table buttonCreate or Edit Table: Insert or edit a table up to 10x10

Insert content buttonInsert Content: Use this tool to include file attachments to the text box (useful for organizing links to files around explanatory content) or attach images. Insert content also lets you include links to outside tools (called an LTI) such as Perusall, Piazza, or MATLAB.

This page outlines the file-types Blackboard supports.

Note: DO NOT insert or attach actual video files such as .mp4 or .mov as they consume excessive storage space. Please instead hyperlink or embed your captioned video on a streaming service like Yuja which Detroit Mercy supports.

When you're finished, click the save button.


The content editor is the same for many (though not all) features in Blackboard Ultra.

How it Works

Depending on your screen size, the text editor may appear more or less condensed, but the functions are the same.
If you do not see all of the functions, find and click the three dots button.more options button
text box options video

Some Feature Highlights

create or edit table buttonCreate or Edit Table: Insert a table up to 10x10. To edit an existing table, put your cursor inside the table, then click this button.
clear format buttonClear Format: highlight text and select this to eliminate any formatting in that highlighted text (color, size, font, etc).
hyperlink buttonHyperlink: highlight text and select this to convert that text into a weblink. You can leave the URL just the way it is (e.g. www.google.com) or you can change the text to indicate the nature of the link (e.g. Google Search). Link text should never consist of "click here."
Attachment buttonAttachment: immediately opens the file browser on your computer (i.e. File Explorer on PC or Finder on Mac). If you choose an image file, the image will be embedded in the page. Any other file type will be added as a text link inside this box. Attaching files this way lets you order your attachments and include explanatory text. This page outlines the file types Blackboard supports.
Insert content buttonInsert Content: 

  • Math - use the MathType web interface to add a formula to the content editor.
  • Image - Link to an image posted somewhere else on the internet by pasting in its url. If you want to attach an image from your local storage choose attach file instead.
  • Media - Embed Stream, YouTube, Prezi, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Spotify or other media on the page by pasting a share link. A full list of supported media can be found on this page. 
  • Cloud Storage - Attach a file on a cloud drive, such as OneDrive or Google Drive. Files attached from cloud storage are uploaded to Blackboard, meaning if you attach a file from OneDrive this way, then make changes in OneDrive, those changes will not automatically be reflected.
  • LTI Item - Learning Technology Integrations are a type of smart web-link that allows Blackboard to communicate with another web site (and allows that website to communicate back with Blackboard. Many textbook publishers offer LTI items, like assignments that are completed and graded on the publisher's site, but which get student identifying information from Blackboard and often even report grades back to Blackboard.
Note: DO NOT insert or attach actual video files such as .mp4 or .mov as they consume excessive storage space. Please instead hyperlink or embed your captioned video on a streaming service like Yuja which Detroit Mercy supports.

When you're finished, click the save button.