An assignment looks roughly like this:

Note, the colors and text will often be different. What's key is that it's underlined (indicating you can click on it to open it) and the icon, which indicates ASSIGNMENT. Usually there will also be some key words in the heading or text to clue you into the fact that this is an assignment.
When you open an assignment by clicking on its name, you'll find more information about the assignment, often including a due date and points possible.
Usually, you'll also find detailed instructions here, and links to any supplemental files your professor wants you to use or refer to when completing your homework. If your professor is using the plagiarism teaching tool SafeAssign on your assignment, you'll also see a SafeAssign license agreement.

To view a Blackboard assessment's, Details & Information, click on the assessment in the Content list.

This will open the assessment's Details & Information panel on the right side of the screen. As the name suggests, this section provides details and information about the assessment. This information includes due date and time, including rules related to the due date and time (for example, whether you will be prevented from submitting or starting late), time limits, your remaining number of submission attempts, and Originality Report information, should the plagiarism checking tool SafeAssign be enabled.

If the Details & Information panel has a speech bubble icon in the upper right, then your instructor has enabled class conversation on the assessment. Click this to enter a discussion forum where you can post and view class questions and answers about the assessment.
Remember, your Class Conversation posts are not private communications between you and the instructor -- the whole class will be able to read your posts.

If the item is an assignment, it will have a VIEW ASSESSMENT button at the bottom of the panel. You are free to open and close an assignment as many times as you like without using an "attempt." Only when you submit an assignment do you use an attempt.
If the item is a test, it will have a START ATTEMPT button at the bottom of the panel. Clicking this button will begin your test -- the timer will start (if one has been set) and an attempt will be used.

If you used an attempt in error and need an additional attempt, please contact your instructor. CETL can only assist instructors with providing additional attempts, not students.