Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Find Student Assessment Submissions - Detroit Mercy CETL

Find Student Assessment Submissions

From the Full Grade Center, locate the column for the assessment in question and the row for the student whose assessment you wish to view. If the attempt needs grading, a yellow "!" icon will appear in the table cell.

When you hover your mouse over the cell, a gray (down-arrow) button will appear on the right-side of the cell. Click the button, then click Attempt [DATE] from the pulldown list.

pulldown list for cell for sample assessment submission

There are two ways to locate assessment submissions in an Ultra-style course site. 

From the Gradebook

From the Gradebook's Gradable Items list, locate and click on the assessment in question.

A short sample gradable items list, with one assessment circled

From the Course Content List

From the Course Content list, locate and click on the assessment in question.

image of an assignment in course content list, with title circled.

This opens the assessment's Content and Settings page. Choose the SUBMISSIONS tab at the top.

submissions page, with submissions tab at top circled