Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Edit an Announcement - Detroit Mercy CETL

Edit an Announcement

In order to edit an announcement, choose the drop-dow arrow to the right of the announcement and Edit.

Edit announcement drop down selection button

Make any changes you wish, and then Submit.

In order to edit an announcement (either one in draft or posted), choose the three dots on the right of the announcement and Edit.

Edit announcement button

Make any changes you wish, and then save.

Reminder: unless the announcement is scheduled, it won’t be released to students until you click Post Now.

Post now button