Warning: Declaration of EM_Multiple_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value) should be compatible with EM_Booking::update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $subkey = NULL) in /var/www/cetl/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-pro/add-ons/multiple-bookings/multiple-booking.php on line 289
Blackboard Course Sites - Detroit Mercy CETL

Blackboard Course Sites


Sorted by views in the last 100 days


Sorted by views in the last 100 days


Sorted by views in the last 100 days
Batch Add Accounts to Non-Course Sites

Regular Blackboard course sites have their student and instructor accounts enrolled automatically, through Blackboard's Banner integration....

Make a Course Site Available

From the Courses List 

1. Click the more button on the course's listing (...)

2. Select Open Course


Add an Account to a Course Site

Although the link between Blackboard and Banner means students and faculty are automatically loaded into your traditional courses based on their...

Bulk Delete

In a Classic-style course site, the bulk-delete tool lets you remove large chunks of content (or users) in a single step.


Find Blackboard Course Site ID

From the Blackboard Courses List View

When you first sign into Blackboard on the Courses list page you will find the full CRN above the...

Find Courses by Title or Number

At the top of the Blackboard Courses page you'll find a Search Your Courses box.

If you enter all or part of your course...

Add a Course Banner

Course banners appear at the top of the course home page, as well as above the course card in the tile view of Blackboard's Courses page.


Find Hidden Courses

At the top of the Courses page, open the FILTERS pulldown list (right of the Terms filter) and select HIDDEN FROM ME. If you do not see a...

Make a Course Tool Available

In the CONTROL PANEL section of your course site navigation, open CUSTOMIZATION and choose TOOL AVAILABILITY.

Locate the...

Find Courses by Term

You can use the filter bar at the top of the courses page to select and view courses from a particular term. Just click the TERMS box to open a...

Convert Your Course to Ultra

When you first launch a closed, recently created Blackboard course site, you will be presented with a message prompting you to Try the Ultra...

Recover an Old Course

While courses are only kept on Blackboard for 4 years, the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning maintains an offline archive of older...

Pin Course to Top of Courses Page

Course cards in both List and Tile view have a star icon on their right side. Clicking this icon turns it purple and pins that course card to the...

List or Tile View on Courses Page

The Blackboard courses page defaults to a list view of course cards. Each card displays the course's Blackboard course ID (the best method for...

Use Edit Mode

If you are listed as instructor, TA, or Course Builder in a Blackboard Classic course, and you wish to make any changes to the site, you'll...