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About Respondus Monitor - Detroit Mercy CETL

About Respondus Monitor

While LockDown Browser prevents students from looking up answers or taking screenshots on a single computer, it does not prevent a remote student from using other nearby computers or their phones, or from collaborating with other people in the room. This is where Respondus Monitor can be useful.

Respondus Monitor is a feature of LockDown Browser that enables the webcam and microphone on students’ devices for the duration of their test attempt.


Respondus Monitor requires LockDown browser to run but does not require any additional download or installation. A web cam is also required.

On campus, LockDown Browser + Monitor is available in the testing center, as well as on University library and computer lab machines.

How it Works

Respondus Monitor may be used either asynchronously and asynchronously for a given test.

Asychronous (Automated) Proctoring

When a student launches a test with automated proctoring enabled, they are walked through a startup process, then recorded while they take the exam. Suspicious events and behavior are flagged for the instructor to review in the Respondus dashboard after the student has submitted their exam. Recordings are ranked according to risk, and suspicious activity is highlighted on the recording timeline.

Synchronous (live) proctoring is not available when automated proctoring is enabled.

Synchronous (Live) Proctoring

This mode allows instructors to proctor an exam using LockDown Browser in conjunction with their preferred virtual classroom tool (such as Microsoft Teams, Blackboard Collaborate, or Zoom). Students attend a virtual classroom session, then start the exam together using LockDown Browser. The instructor supervises the test taking as it happens. This method is best suited to smaller class sizes, where a gallery-view can present all students at once, and where video thumbnails are large enough that the instructor feels they can comfortably recognize inappropriate behavior.

Student test-taking is not recorded in this mode.