Grade with a Rubric in a Grade Column

If you’ve attached a rubric to a Grade Column that does not have a related assignment submission spot, you need to follow a different path in order to use the rubric.

From Grade Center, and the column of your choice, hover over the gray arrow next to the student’s grade entry. Select View Grade Details.

grade column drop down menu for view grade details

Click the View Rubric button under Current Grade Value.

View rubric button on grade details page

The rubric will open in a new pop-out window. Based on your parameters and what you feel the student has achieved, choose the achievement level for each criterion by clicking the radial button to the left of each option. (You MUST choose an achievement level for each criterion, even if it is zero, in order for the rubric to save.)

Rubric detail popout window

Scores will calculate automatically.

Be sure to click the Save Rubric button on this screen (see above) AND THEN the next Save button on the Grade details page before leaving that student’s submission.

Save button on grade details page

You can then navigate between students by using the gray arrows at the top next to the student’s name.

switch between students button on grade details page