Steps Students Can Take ...
To prepare for a possible emergency on campus?
- Sign up for the RAVE Emergency Alert system
- Program the campus emergency number into your cell phone: 313-993-1234
- Be aware of exits in campus buildings you use frequently
If you are depressed or anxious or have other mental health concerns?
- Professional, confidential counseling is available to students free of charge through Wellness Center Personal Counseling
- Appointments can be made by phone or email: 313-993-1562,
- Personal Counseling can help students identify and address issues related to stress, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, grief and loss, eating disorders, drug or alcohol use, academic difficulties, and other issues. Many people benefit from the use of counseling services at different times in their lives
- Connect with others through clubs, hobbies, University Ministry, etc.
If you are worried about failing a class or thinking of dropping out?
- Talk to your professor and advisor—we are here to help! Don’t wait—come talk as soon as you are feeling concerned
- Take advantage of free tutoring, professional mentoring, and other support at the Student Success Center or schedule consultations at the Writing Center
If you are worried about whether you can afford college or other expenses?
- Contact the Office of Financial Aid and ask to speak to your financial aid counselor, or drop in to talk in person: 313-993-3050
If you have experienced or witnessed an act of bias/intolerance on campus?
If you have experienced sex or gender-based discrimination or unwanted sexual advances?
If you are having issues with Blackboard or you need a computer or printing on campus?
- For questions about Blackboard, first contact your instructor. If needed, contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning: 313-578-0580,
- Computers/Printing can be accessed in university libraries and academic computing labs
Student Support Services List
University of Detroit Mercy encourages all students, faculty, staff and administrators to be aware of and utilize these resources for student support. Click hyperlinks for more information.
Center for Career and Professional Development
313-993-1017,, Reno Hall 143
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)
Blackboard and instructional technology support
Dean of Students Office
Monica Williams, Dean of Students: 313-993-1028, Dean of Students Office - Student Center 101
Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence
313-993-1802, Office of Equal Opportunity, Megan Novell,
Report discrimination, harassment, and other misconduct
Emergencies / Immediate Intervention
Department of Public Safety: 313-993-1234
Financial Aid
313-993-3350,, Student Center
Health Clinic (Wellness Center)
313-993-1185,, West Quad 104
The Hive (Student Food Pantry), Reno Hall 41
Information Technology Services
Office 365 logins, accounts, and support; lab computing
International Services Office
313-993-1205,, Engineering and Science Building 268-270B
Guidance and support for international students
McNichols campus: Check-out desk: 313-993-1795, Research & information desk: 313-993-1071
Dental School: 313-494-6900
Personal Counseling (Wellness Center)
313-993-1562,, West Quad 104
Leave a detailed message with a name and phone number and a counselor will contact you
Public Safety
Department of Public Safety: 313-993-1234
Residence Life
313-993-1230,, 115 Shiple Hall
Office of the Registrar
313-993-3313,, Student Center - 114
Student Accessibility Services
313-993-1938,, McNichols Campus Library 319
Register for disability accommodations and support
Student Athlete Academic Support Services
Director of Student-Athlete Services, Amy Gasahl,
Student Life Office
Stephanie Wheeler, Director of Student Life: 313-993-1150,
Student Success Center
313-993-1143,, McNichols Campus Library 319
Free tutoring and academic mentoring available for all students
The Writing Center
313-993-1022,, Briggs 131
30-minute writing consultations support you at any stage in the writing process
TRIO Student Support Services
313-993-1108,, McNichols Campus Library 314
Supports eligible first-generation and low-income students and students with disabilities
University Ministry
313-993-1560,, Student Center ground floor
Other Resources
Medical / COVID-19 Referral Form
Anyone with a confirmed case of infectious illness, such as COVID-19, monkeypox, flu, or strep throat, should report their illness through the Medical/COVID Referral Reporting Form. You may also report concerns on behalf of another individual.
Rave Emergency Alert System
Register for University of Detroit Mercy emergency communications to receive alerts on campus-wide class cancellations or other emergency notices via text message and email.
Student Handbook
The Student Handbook contains information about campus, student policies, Detroit Mercy services and programs, the academic calendar, computing information, a campus directory, and more.
Students of Concern
Faculty, students, and staff should contact the Dean of Students about any student whose behavior and/or emotional state raises significant concerns; who may have experienced traumatic personal events; or who may be a threat to their own safety or to member(s) of the university community. If immediate intervention is required contact the Department of Public Safety. Student Care and Concert Report Form