Resources Regarding Gathering Student Feedback

Coulter, Robert W. S., and Lindsay Onufer. “Using Student-Led Discussions and Snapshot Lectures to Stimulate Active Learning and Accountability: A Mixed Methods Study on Teaching an Implementation Science Course.” Pedagogy in Health Promotion, vol. 8, no. 1, 2022, pp. 30–40. Flodén, Jonas. “The Impact of Student Feedback on Teaching in Higher Education.” Assessment and Evaluation […]

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Resources and Scholarship on Course Outcomes

Arbaugh, J.B. “Does Academic Discipline Moderate CoI-Course Outcomes Relationships in Online MBA Courses?” The Internet and Higher Education, vol. 17, 2013, pp. 16–28. Permalink: Klein, Howard J., et al. “MOTIVATION TO LEARN AND COURSE OUTCOMES: THE IMPACT OF DELIVERY MODE, LEARNING GOAL ORIENTATION, AND PERCEIVED BARRIERS AND ENABLERS.” Personnel Psychology, vol. 59, no. 3, 2006, pp. […]

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University Services: The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

For those newer to the University, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is a department established as a source of pedagogical expertise for University of Detroit Mercy faculty. The CETL is in place to: Promote inquiry Inspire perspectives Support methodology Innovate teaching and scholarship A great deal of our efforts go toward coordinating […]

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Assessment Resources

Alternative grading practices: An entry point for faculty in competency-based education Progress and Proficiency: Redesigning Grading for Competency Education Why Focusing on Grades Is a Barrier to Learning The Effect of Specifications Grading on Students’ Learning and Attitudes in an Undergraduate-Level Cell Biology Course Experimenting with Specifications Grading References for Grading and Assessment Colleague Development […]

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Microsoft Stream – Uploading Video

Microsoft’s Stream is an excellent way to provide your students with access to your videos. Not only does it do a fine job of streaming video (as the name suggests), it does a fair job of automatically generating transcripts for your videos, which makes your content ADA compliant and more usable for your students generally. […]

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