Podcasting as a Mode of Assessment

Below, you will find a curated list of resources and guides to incorporate a podcasting assignment or assignments in your courses.

Instructor Resources

Helpful Overview of Implementing a Podcasting Assignment from Beginning to End: https://blog.tcea.org/simple-process-template-student-podcasting/

Assignment Overview and Application: https://mediacommons.psu.edu/faculty/instructors-guide-to-media-activities/basic-podcasting-assignment/

New York Times Podcast Assignment: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/19/learning/lesson-plans/project-audio-teaching-students-how-to-produce-their-own-podcasts.html

New York Times Step-by-Step Guide for Podcasting: nytimes.com/2020/04/22/learning/making-a-podcast-that-matters-a-guide-with-examples-from-23-students.html

NPR on Teaching Podcasting: https://www.npr.org/2018/11/15/662116901/teaching-podcasting-a-curriculum-guide-for-educators

Programs For Recording and Editing

This mode of production is likely new to most students. However, there are many helpful tools that can assist students in developing their projects. Below, you will find links to several common and free recording programs:

Garage Band (MAC Users): https://www.apple.com/mac/garageband/

Garage Band Tutorial: https://mediacommons.psu.edu/2017/04/30/starting-a-new-podcast-project-in-garageband/

Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/

Soundcloud: You can create an account at https://soundcloud.com.

SoundCloud does not have a feature to let multiple accounts administer a feed; each account is associated only with its own feed: https://blog.soundcloud.com/2018/05/30/host-podcast-soundcloud/Audior

Sample Rubric for Podcast Project

  • Introduction/Conclusion: The program contains a clear Introduction and conclusion; all cohosts and guests are properly introduced, conclusion brings closure. 20%
  • Content: The project provides insightful and accurate information connected to the novel There There. 30%
  • Delivery/Sound Quality: All group members are represented and can be heard with clarity. 20%
  • Interview: The guest is interviewed providing clear and insightful new information for discussion. As noted, guests can be recorded or contacted via email and/or phone. 20%
  • Use of quality source material with proper citations (MLA or APA); must submit Works Cited or References page with sound file. Three sources are interwoven into the project. 10%