Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

CUREs are educational programs integrated into the curriculum that engage undergraduate students in authentic research activities as part of their coursework. In contrast to traditional undergraduate research, which typically involves individual students working with faculty mentors outside of regular class time, CUREs incorporate research projects into standard course structures, making research accessible to a broader range of students.

These authentic experiences allow for greater collaboration among students working in groups and more meaningful faculty interactions. While there can be iteration opportunities within a course, these opportunities may also span a series of courses within a program of study. Lastly, these experiences can lead to students being able to disseminate their findings through publications, posters, or presentations, professional scientific practice.

Additional information is available at the CUREnet website established in 2012 to support the development of CUREs programs.

Auchincloss, L. C., Laursen, S. L., Branchaw, J. L., Eagan, K., Graham, M., Hanauer, D. I., Lawrie, G., McLinn, C. M., Pelaez, N., Rowland, S., Towns, M., Trautmann, N. M., Varma-Nelson, P., Weston, T. J., & Dolan, E. L. (2014). Assessment of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences: A Meeting Report. CBE-Life Sciences Education13(1), 29–40.