Ideas for Active Learning Assignments

Engaged learning ideas are plentiful, but from time to time, instructors may seek inspiration for their classroom practices. Below, we offer a list of active learning assignments and activities that may be used in class Integrating these activities and assignments into the curriculum can enhance student engagement, deepen understanding, and promote critical thinking and collaboration. […]

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Implementing Transparent Teaching Methods

Transparent teaching methods enhance student understanding and academic performance by clearly communicating the purpose, tasks, and assignment criteria. This clarity reduces confusion and anxiety, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Students from diverse backgrounds, including first-generation and non-traditional students, benefit particularly as these methods level the playing field by making expectations explicit. By understanding […]

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Getting Started Using Multimedia in Course Content and Feedback

Using multimedia content and feedback in courses is an effective practice; it caters to diverse learning styles, engages students actively, and enhances comprehension and retention of course material. By incorporating multimedia materials such as videos, audio recordings, and visual aids, instructors can ensure that information is presented in numerous formats appealing to diverse learners. Providing […]

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Connect to Course Outcomes Throughout the Semester

By Dr. Erin Bell Most instructors present their syllabus during a first-week lecture (in person or a recorded video in online courses); others may choose to create a syllabus scavenger hunt or syllabus quiz, allowing students to engage and interact with the document through learner-centered activities. In any case, a syllabus review during any course […]

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