High-Impact Practices (HIPs)

High-Impact Practices (HIPs) in education are teaching and learning approaches that evidence has shown to significantly benefit student engagement, learning, and retention. These practices are characterized by their ability to foster deep learning through active involvement, collaboration, and real-world application. HIPs are often transformative, providing students with enriching experiences that go beyond traditional classroom instruction. […]

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Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

CUREs are educational programs integrated into the curriculum that engage undergraduate students in authentic research activities as part of their coursework. In contrast to traditional undergraduate research, which typically involves individual students working with faculty mentors outside of regular class time, CUREs incorporate research projects into standard course structures, making research accessible to a broader […]

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Experiential Learning

An educational approach where students gain knowledge, skills, and values from direct experiences outside a traditional academic setting. It emphasizes active engagement and reflection, allowing learners to apply what they have learned in practical, real-world contexts. This method fosters deeper understanding and retention of knowledge by involving students in hands-on activities and encouraging them to […]

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This refers to assignments and learning units within a course that are structured to build upon each other, leading to student comprehension and learning outcomes and objectives. A complex assignment may be broken up into smaller tasks that serve as opportunities for formative assessment. Photos courtesy of Pexels. […]

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