The Writing Center: Support for Faculty Success

By Mia Hairston, CETL Program Coordinator

The Detroit Mercy Writing Center is best known as a hub for student writing across all disciplines. It facilitates online and in-person writing sessions and workshops to develop confident writers. However, students are not the only community members who can benefit from the direction and services of The Writing Center. This article explores ways The Writing Center (TWC) can foster opportunities for success among University faculty.


Dr. Erin Bell has recently assumed the Director of The Writing Center role and has offered insight on how offering class visits can benefit faculty and students. A class visit can be structured with various purposes in mind. An introductory visit would allow Dr. Bell to briefly introduce The Writing Center, suggest services, and assist students with appointment scheduling. Best offered at the start of a semester or just before a writing assignment, students in classes with scheduled visits are more likely to associate TWC with an individual, thereby taking advantage of service offerings.

Class visits can also occur in twenty—thirty-minute intervals to allow focused time on a specific writing concept. You can schedule time for Dr. Bell to introduce a topic, reiterate writing skills, or guide students through the drafting/revision process. This format is beneficial as it allows Dr. Bell to provide in-class support as the resident expert and allows faculty to hand-pick topics for review.  Topics for consideration: APA/MLA Format, Citations, and Integrating Research into Writing.


If you are a faculty member seeking consultation around writing topics or could benefit from additional support in the classroom, The Writing Center will gladly collaborate with you. Partner with TWC for consultations, creating custom projects, workshops, or writing assignments to support your instructional goals. Dr. Bell will work with you to create a concise, customized plan for your course’s writing content. She will also implement class visits to facilitate writing objectives.

The Writing Center is an invaluable resource for faculty and students. In the new year, TWC will offer online workshops on various topics, including Integrating Source Material (workshop registration form link listed below). Faculty interested in collaborating with The Writing Center should contact Dr. Erin Bell at

TWC Website: Writing Center | University of Detroit Mercy

TWC Scheduling Website: The Writing Center Detroit Mercy

TWC Online Workshop Form: