Current Sessions

Getting Started with the Yuja Media Library
Tuesday April 1, 2025 1:00 pm
The YuJa Media Library provides a streamlined method for storing and sharing video, audio, and other media files with your students and the community. In addition to making it easy to import video recorded in other sources (such as PowerPoint) and then share those videos with only the students in a particular class, the YuJa Media Library can also be used to:
  • Share video or audio streams with folks outside the University
  • Record and/or edit desktop video
  • Store and share images
  • Provide students with audio and/or video feedback on an assignment
  • Get detailed viewership statistics
  • Incorporate assessments into videos
This online session will provide a broad overview of YuJa including how to make recordings, edit recordings, and share content with students.

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Getting Started with the Yuja Media Library
Wednesday April 2, 2025 1:00 pm
The YuJa Media Library provides a streamlined method for storing and sharing video, audio, and other media files with your students and the community. In addition to making it easy to import video recorded in other sources (such as PowerPoint) and then share those videos with only the students in a particular class, the YuJa Media Library can also be used to:
  • Share video or audio streams with folks outside the University
  • Record and/or edit desktop video
  • Store and share images
  • Provide students with audio and/or video feedback on an assignment
  • Get detailed viewership statistics
  • Incorporate assessments into videos
This online session will provide a broad overview of YuJa including how to make recordings, edit recordings, and share content with students.

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Video Quizzing with the YuJa Media Library
Tuesday April 8, 2025 1:00 pm
If students are not watching pre-recorded videos, an effective approach to encouraging them to watch (and pay attention) is to attach points to viewing. While putting Blackboard quizzes between short videos is a strategy that faculty have succeeded with, YuJa’s Video Quizzing lets you incorporate assessments directly into your videos. A student watching a YuJa video quiz will be prompted to respond to questions at instructor-set intervals. Video progress can be locked – preventing students from skimming past the quizzes – or left open. For close-ended questions (multiple choice, true/false, etc), video quiz scores are pushed directly to Blackboard. YuJa also allows for the creation of playback quizzes, giving students points based on the percentage of a video they have viewed.
In this session, we will look at how to:
  • create both question- and playback-based video quizzes
  • add quizzes to a Blackboard course site
  • view student responses to open-ended questions on the Yuja Media Library
  • push grades from YuJa to Blackboard (necessary for quizzes with open-ended questions and playback quizzing)

Please click the button to login with Microsoft O365 account

Video Quizzing with the YuJa Media Library
Wednesday April 9, 2025 1:00 pm
If students are not watching pre-recorded videos, an effective approach to encouraging them to watch (and pay attention) is to attach points to viewing. While putting Blackboard quizzes between short videos is a strategy that faculty have succeeded with, YuJa’s Video Quizzing lets you incorporate assessments directly into your videos. A student watching a YuJa video quiz will be prompted to respond to questions at instructor-set intervals. Video progress can be locked – preventing students from skimming past the quizzes – or left open. For close-ended questions (multiple choice, true/false, etc), video quiz scores are pushed directly to Blackboard. YuJa also allows for the creation of playback quizzes, giving students points based on the percentage of a video they have viewed.
In this session, we will look at how to:
  • create both question- and playback-based video quizzes
  • add quizzes to a Blackboard course site
  • view student responses to open-ended questions on the Yuja Media Library
  • push grades from YuJa to Blackboard (necessary for quizzes with open-ended questions and playback quizzing)

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Getting Started with Yuja Engage
Tuesday April 15, 2025 1:00 pm

YuJa Engage is the University’s platform for live-classroom interactions, offering polling, quizzing, and attendance tracking features that sync seamlessly with Blackboard’s grade book. In this session, we will guide you through:

  • The fundamentals of setting up and running YuJa Engage activities in your classroom.
  • Creating activities using the intuitive web interface.
  • Various methods to run an activity – via the website, PowerPoint plugin, or mobile app.
  • Proven best practices for integrating YuJa Engage into your teaching.

Come explore this new tool that can help add engagement and interactivity to your classes!

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Getting Started with Yuja Engage
Wednesday April 16, 2025 1:00 pm

YuJa Engage is the University’s platform for live-classroom interactions, offering polling, quizzing, and attendance tracking features that sync seamlessly with Blackboard’s grade book. In this session, we will guide you through:

  • The fundamentals of setting up and running YuJa Engage activities in your classroom.
  • Creating activities using the intuitive web interface.
  • Various methods to run an activity – via the website, PowerPoint plugin, or mobile app.
  • Proven best practices for integrating YuJa Engage into your teaching.

Come explore this new tool that can help add engagement and interactivity to your classes!

Please click the button to login with Microsoft O365 account

Blackboard Ultra Course Builder Bootcamp
Tuesday July 29, 2025 9:00 am
McN Library TLC – R324

In this three-day intensive workshop series, we’ll cover all the basic principles of building and running an Ultra-style Blackboard course site. If you register for this series, CETL will reach out via email in July to ask for a course you intend to convert or build, then teach using an Ultra-style course site in Fall 2025. We will use this to set you up with development space for working on your Ultra-style course. CETL expects that, by attending the morning workshops and taking advantage of the afternoon development sessions, most classic-to-Ultra conversions could be completed and ready for teaching by the end of the bootcamp. 



Morning sessions will consist of designer-led instruction. Afternoon sessions will be focused on building or converting your course with the support of the instructional design team so it is ready to launch the start of the Fall term. 

Tuesday 7/29 

9AM – Ultra Course Site Organization and Basic Principles 

10AM – Ultra Content tools – Adding Documents, Links, Files, and Video 

11AM – Communicate with Your Students Using Messages and Announcements 

12 – Lunch on your own 

1PM-3PM – Supported Course Development, Individual Q&A 

Wednesday 7/30 

9AM – Ultra Testing 

10AM – Ultra Assignments 

11AM – Creating Rubrics 

12 – Lunch on Your Own 

1PM-3PM – Supported Course Development, Individual Q&A 

Thursday 7/31 

9AM – Ultra Gradebook setup 

10AM – Running an Ultra Course – Grading, Accommodations, and Analytics 

11AM – General Ultra Q&A 

12 – Lunch on Your Own 

1PM-3PM – Supported Course Development, Individual Q&A 


Blackboard Ultra Mentoring Program  

Blackboard Ultra Course Builder Bootcamp attendees will have first-in-line opportunity to join the CETL Blackboard Ultra Mentoring Program (BUMP).  

BUMP participants will be paired with a CETL designer who will be enrolled in their ultra-style course site to help monitor any technical issues. The designer will serve as the mentee’s first point-of-contact for questions and technical issues. They’ll provide hands-on support and in-depth consultation during the course creation (or conversion) process. Once the course has kicked off, the mentor will check in regularly via email to see how the course is progressing, if there are any concerns, and if there’s any additional support that they can provide.  

We are limited to 12 BUMP mentorships for Fall 2025.  

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