PRISM (Program for Recognition of Instruction and Successful Methodologies) is a comprehensive initiative designed to acknowledge and celebrate excellence in pedagogical practices across all course modalities. Whether instructors teach face-to-face, hybrid, online synchronous, or online asynchronous courses, PRISM aims to highlight the impactful work our instructors complete inside and outside the classroom.

Purpose and Benefits of PRISM

The PRISM program provides recognition of instructors’ best practices and it will also foster a reflective process that encourages educators to assess their practices, revise where necessary, and ultimately, enhance the learning experience for students. Faculty members that complete the program will receive a recognition letter and a CETL PRISM badge, which they can display in professional spaces such as LinkedIn or Academia. The program not only promotes best practices but also celebrates the high teaching standards at the University of Detroit Mercy.

PRISM’s Three-Step Process

PRISM’s recognition process is comprehensive and reflective, consisting of three key steps:

  1. Step One: Syllabus Review
    • The syllabus is the cornerstone of any course, and PRISM evaluates it across 12 key categories, including tone, structure, and required University policies and resources.
    • To pass this stage, instructors must meet 12 out of 14 categories.
    • A reflection and revision cycle follows, allowing instructors to fine-tune their syllabus.
  2. Step Two: Course Site Review
    • This step focuses on the digital presence of the course, assessing six key categories: usability, technical components and digital accessibility, learner expectations, learning activities, assessment design, and student-centered content and practices.
    • Instructors must meet 20 out of 25 categories.
    • Similar to the syllabus review, a reflection and revision cycle is integral to this stage.
  3. Step Three: Class Visit
    • The final step involves a scheduled visit, where the course is evaluated based on planning and preparation, the teaching environment, and instruction.
    • Instructors must meet 20 out of 25 categories.
    • The process concludes with a final reflection and award of the certificate and badge as indicated.

Program Timeline and Schedule

PRISM is designed to be a supportive and flexible program, with a typical timeline of approximately 4 to 8 weeks for completion. Factors such as the instructor’s schedule and course load may influence the timing. Additionally, there is an option for preparatory consultation to help instructors get started.

Once recognized, courses are eligible for a three-year renewal cycle, with an expedited process available for instructors who wish to renew their certification.

PRISM is more than just a recognition program—it is a journey of reflection, growth, and excellence. By participating in PRISM, faculty members at the University of Detroit Mercy will not only gain recognition for their outstanding teaching practices but also contribute to the ongoing pursuit of academic excellence that is central to our institution’s mission. Whether instructors are full-time, part-time, tenure-track, or clinical faculty members, PRISM will be an opportunity to shine!