Session H2: Integration of Marketing & Communications on McNichols Campus—An Overview

Session H2: Integration of Marketing & Communications on McNichols Campus—An Overview

August 21, 2024, 11:45 AM

Presenter: Gary Edwin

Session Description: To provide full-service, in-house marketing of our student-centered undergraduate and graduate education, Detroit Mercy initiated an integration process as part of its operations. This effort represents a new structure and operational model for the institution based on collaboration and partnership between academic units and departments. The purpose is to enhance services and functions by identifying areas where enterprise management and collaboration benefit both our desire to pursue the greater good and our need to be effective stewards of our resources. To ensure success, this process involves members from across the University to help develop implementation recommendations.

During the spring of 2023, the Marketing & Communications Department (MarCom) convened an internal work group comprised of deans and administrators and led by the AVP of MarCom to examine the integration of marketing and communications work across the academic units and departments on the McNichols Campus. This effort has led to the creation of the Marketing & Communications Enterprise Group (MEG). The proposal was submitted to the President’s Council for review in January 2024 and following minor amendments to process and design, was approved for implementation in the spring.

Specifically, the goals of the MEG are to increase information sharing; raise the quality of marketing and communications products and services; enhance collaboration and partnership; ensure consistency of messaging and brand across the University; establish more efficiency in marketing and communications expenditures; and aid in more efficient measurement of return-on-investment (ROI) practices.

This presentation will be convened by three to four members of the MarCom Dept. and provide a general overview and summary of MarCom Integration and the resulting creation of the Marketing & Communications Enterprise Group (MEG), which will serve as a new model of collaboration, partnership and operations within the marketing and communications function of the University’s McNichols Campus. This new model also provides the potential for cross-fertilization of new ideas and information sharing.


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