Implementing Inclusive Teaching Strategies
Inclusive teaching suggests that instructors create learning environments in which all students feel supported in their education, regardless of their background or identity. In this session, we will begin to map out key components of inclusive teaching and discuss how an inclusive process provides students with equal access to learning. Creating inclusive course content is a deliberate process and is relevant to all disciplines, regardless of subject matter or instructional mode.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to provide basic definitions of inclusive teaching and inclusive teaching strategies, understand how such strategies reinforce the University of Detroit Mercy’s mission, and recognize how these practices can lead to higher student retention rates and success. The session will provide time for participants to share their own current strategies and challenges and the space to begin to develop new inclusive approaches to put into practice.
This will be a virtual session hosted via Zoom. Please follow the registration directions provided below. A registration confirmation email will provide attendance details.
Registrations are closed for this event.