Plenary Session: Mission Pulse Forum
January 5, 2024, 9:00 AM
The Mission Pulse Forum invites members of the University community to engage in learning and dialogue about our shared institutional mission. Results of the University’s Joint Mercy and Jesuit Self-Study will be shared and participants will be invited to identify institutional values that will be articulated on the mission and vision webpage and highlighted as part of the university’s strategic planning process. All members of the University community are encouraged to join.(90 minute session)
Learning Outcomes
- Learn about the findings of the Joint Mercy and Jesuit Self-Study Steering Committee and peer visitor report.
- Engage with the broader university community in identifying shared institutional values, which will be articulated on the mission and vision webpage and highlighted as part of the strategic planning process.
Presented by Charles Oduke, Vice President for Mission Integration, members of the Steering Committee of the Mission Joint Self Study, and the University’s Mission Effectiveness Team
Registrations are closed for this event.