The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning

The CETL will promote inquiry, inspire the expansion of perspectives, and support methodology to innovate teaching and scholarship. Mastery of teaching is a lifelong pursuit and the goal of the center is to assist faculty in this pursuit of academic excellence.

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Strategic Vision

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning will pursue an overarching theme of transformative high-impact teaching practices that lead to improved student learning. The initiative will build on current Detroit Mercy resources to support University faculty members to work collaboratively to create engaged learning experiences.

Strategic Priorities 
• Identify Collaboration Opportunities 
• Mentoring Support 
• Showcase Detroit Mercy Faculty Teaching Innovations 
• Promote SoTL and Scholarly Research 
• Provide Programming and Workshops to Support Faculty

The CETL Goals

• Increase the awareness and use of high-impact teaching practices. 
• Encourage, support, and facilitate a professional community based on aligned educational practice and outcomes. 
• Promote critical analysis and exploration of teaching practices through scholarship.