Formative Assessment

Formative assessments are typically low stakes assignments that grant instructors opportunities to gauge students’ knowledge about a topic while they are still in the process of learning about it and/or mastering key concepts. These assessments may include polls, entrance and exit tickets, rough drafts, self-assessments and more. Photo courtesy of Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang […]

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Backwards Design

This process allows instructors to reverse engineer assignments/course curriculum by considering the learning outcomes for an assignment (or course) first and then planning accordingly around those objectives. In short, one builds a course by focusing on the skills and outcomes students will learn first and then creating formative assessments and assignments that will help student […]

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Asynchronous Instruction

In online settings, asynchronous instruction allows students to engage with course content and assignments on their own schedule from week to week, unlike the synchronous mode, in which students and instructors meet on a set schedule. In asynchronous classes, students may access class materials during different hours and from different locations rather than in one […]

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