Fixed Mindset

A term first coined by psychologist Carol Dweck, someone with a “fixed mindset” believes that their intelligence and abilities are fixed and cannot change (i.e. “I’m just bad at math. I’ll never get any better at it.”) Students with a fixed mindset may believe that talent alone creates success — without effort. A fixed mindset can […]

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Backwards Design

This process allows instructors to reverse engineer assignments/course curriculum by considering the learning outcomes for an assignment (or course) first and then planning accordingly around those objectives. In short, one builds a course by focusing on the skills and outcomes students will learn first and then creating formative assessments and assignments that will help student […]

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Asynchronous Instruction

In online settings, asynchronous instruction allows students to engage with course content and assignments on their own schedule from week to week, unlike the synchronous mode, in which students and instructors meet on a set schedule. In asynchronous classes, students may access class materials during different hours and from different locations rather than in one […]

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Active Learning

Active learning is an umbrella term for any instructional method that encourages student engagement in the learning process, typically via thinking, discussing, investigating, creating and through other methods and activities. The approach suggests that students actively engage in the meaning-making process rather than passively taking in information. […]

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Microsoft Stream – Uploading Video

Microsoft’s Stream is an excellent way to provide your students with access to your videos. Not only does it do a fine job of streaming video (as the name suggests), it does a fair job of automatically generating transcripts for your videos, which makes your content ADA compliant and more usable for your students generally. […]

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Anti-Racist Teaching Resources

The following represents a brief list of articles, web resources, digital media, and books that highlight anti-racist teaching strategies. Suggested Interactive Resources: Websites and News Magazines Web articles People to read about and follow Podcasts and videos Learning for Justice Understanding Race and their Resources page Brene Brown and “Building Brave Spaces for Students” YouTube: […]

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Preventing Linguistic Racism and Discrimination

By Dr. Erin Bell, Assistant Director of Educational Development In brief, linguistic discrimination is when individuals are mistreated and/or devalued based on their language use. Victims of such discrimination may use dialects such as African American Vernacular English (AAVE) or speak home languages like Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic (among countless others). Such usages are often […]

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