Video Quizzing with the YuJa Media Library

Video Quizzing with the YuJa Media Library

April 8, 2025, 1:00 PM
If students are not watching pre-recorded videos, an effective approach to encouraging them to watch (and pay attention) is to attach points to viewing. While putting Blackboard quizzes between short videos is a strategy that faculty have succeeded with, YuJa’s Video Quizzing lets you incorporate assessments directly into your videos. A student watching a YuJa video quiz will be prompted to respond to questions at instructor-set intervals. Video progress can be locked – preventing students from skimming past the quizzes – or left open. For close-ended questions (multiple choice, true/false, etc), video quiz scores are pushed directly to Blackboard. YuJa also allows for the creation of playback quizzes, giving students points based on the percentage of a video they have viewed.
In this session, we will look at how to:
  • create both question- and playback-based video quizzes
  • add quizzes to a Blackboard course site
  • view student responses to open-ended questions on the Yuja Media Library
  • push grades from YuJa to Blackboard (necessary for quizzes with open-ended questions and playback quizzing)

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