Integrating Catholic Social Thought, Mercy Critical Concerns, and the Jesuit Universal Apostolic Preferences as Empowering Assets for Decision-Making, ONLINE

Integrating Catholic Social Thought, Mercy Critical Concerns, and the Jesuit Universal Apostolic Preferences as Empowering Assets for Decision-Making, ONLINE

January 24, 2025, 1:00 PM

Presenter: Jennifer Reed-Bouley, College of Saint Mary in Omaha, Nebraska,

Session Description: Using the lens of Catholic Social Thought and the mission priorities of Mercy Sisters and Jesuits, participants will understand how these resources can animate and assist in our daily work here at the University of Detroit Mercy. Using the spiritual gifts of our Jesuit and Mercy charisms in decision-making can prove to be a differentiator in the competitive world of higher education.


Jennifer Reed-Bouley is Professor and Program Director of Theology at the College of Saint Mary in Omaha, Nebraska, where she has taught courses in Catholic social thought and environmental ethics since 2004. With Bernard Prusak, she co-edited Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought (Paulist, 2023), which applies the lens of Catholic social thought to operational decisions in Catholic colleges and universities. Jennifer earned her BA from the University of Notre Dame, and her MA in Theology and Ph.D. in Christian Ethics from Loyola University Chicago.

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