Presented by Anne Marie Kosi-Kupe and Mary Tracy Bee
This presentation focuses on teaching strategies that are aimed to enhance student involvement in both in-person and online courses. Blending of traditional and modern methodologies with teaching strategies helps improve students’ interaction in the classroom. While discussing various teaching strategies implemented in classes, the presenters will dive deeper into two specific approaches that they have successfully implemented including cross (directed) approaches and self/group-directed PALIA (Peer & Active Learning in Anatomy) techniques. This session will demonstrate how to apply both approaches in classrooms. Additional time at the end will allow for the audience to share personal experiences and tips for engaging students.
Session Learning Objectives:
- Attendees will be able to describe factors that influence student learning and engagement including: specific area of learning, maturity, age, intelligence, mental and physical health, learners’ attention, interest, level of aspiration, as well as motivation and previous learning.
- Attendees will be able to describe multiple teaching strategies that lead to student involvement.
- Attendees will begin to map out and design their own teaching plan for an engaging student activity
Audience: Faculty
Registrations are closed for this event.